Hey, make sure you have a plan.

Whether it is making your team stronger, launching a new initiative, or marketing a monumental event, it’s worth the time and thought to make sure you are clear about what you need to have happen.


Organizational Structure & team building

As organizations develop and change so does the demands on your marketing team. Leadership changes, new strategic objectives and budget challenges may require you to “re-set” your team. To ensure maximum productivity, evaluate team structure, update of job descriptions, and outline clear objectives. It is also important that team members feel connected regarding departmental goals and how they are going to achieve success.

Katie is always receptive to new ideas and is willing to take her own strategy and turn it on its head mid-stream if that is the best course.
— Heather Laidlaw Kraft, Director of Web & Integration Services, Tessitura


With so many outlets available it’s important that you have a clear communications strategy before you say anything! Make sure you know what you are trying to communicate and the best methods for getting your message out there. From traditional story pitches to social media campaigns, every message has a medium and voice that needs to be developed. It’s about much more than picking up the phone.


institutional events

A building opening, 50th Anniversary or new initiative are all part of moving an organization forward. Institutions will often move forward with grand expectations, but overlook the need to clearly state objectives and goals for the team: Revenue? Brand Awareness? Audience Expansion? And don’t forget to have an event evaluation plan with data points that can be measured to determine success when it is over.